But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God” (Luke 18:16).

Children and Youth Ministry

At WCICC, we give special attention to children and the youth who are the future leaders. We have a Children’s Ministry which is focused on teaching the age group 9 to 15 years the fundamental principles of the scriptures and the kingdom of God. We help them deal with all the questions that confront this age group from a biblical perspective.

In addition, there are training programmes at WCICC to help the youth and young adults between the age 18-25 years to develop their talents and leadership skills. These young adults also receive counseling on career, relationship and marriage.

If you desire to see your children grow in the wisdom of the scriptures, to develop godly character and to realize their potential, you are encouraged to bring them to WCICC.

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